The Importance of Wedding Invitations

Reasons Your Wedding Invitation Are Important
Reasons Your Wedding Invitation Are Important

I read an article the other day claiming that wedding invitations aren't really that important so not to worry about them and not to spend a lot of time and money on them. This, of course, made me cringe. Not only because it was written by a wedding planner, but because I disagreed with everything that was mentioned. While I don't think you have to spend a lot of money on your invitations, I do think putting in the time to make sure they are an accurate reflection of your wedding day is important. Not to mention, if you don't worry about them and end up sending them out late, who's to say your guests are even going to be available to come? In a nutshell, your invitations are absolutely an important part of your wedding day.

Here are just a few of the reasons detailing the importance of wedding invitations:

You'll cherish them for years to come - and so will your family

This past weekend, my in-laws came to visit and they brought my father-in-law's parent's wedding album with them. It was falling apart, the pages were yellowing, and pieces had come unglued. Which made it absolutely beautiful in my eyes.  In the back of the album was an original wedding invitation from their wedding in 1948. A hand-painted, layered invitation with gorgeous typesetting. No one had given a single thought to this little piece of paper for years and years, but the second it was found, memories were remembered and a sense of family history was solidified. While you may not look at an album containing your wedding invitation and stationery every single day, I guarantee you'll cherish it when you do pull it out to take a look at it. And you'll be so thankful it's there.

They carry a little piece of your family history on them

Whether you're having a traditional Irish wedding with Celtic symbols adorning your invitation, or a sweet Southern wedding with a monogrammed invitation, your stationery is likely to have bits and pieces of family history on them - even in the simplest of ways. Listing your parents names, a family church, an illustration of your grandma's favorite flower, or even just a simple color palette inspired by your love of nature that began as a child. Each element of your invitation was carefully selected because of your family history and/or your preferences that were formed as you were raised by your family. You don't throw away old family photos (in fact, you probably cherish them even more the older they get), so why would you throw away a wedding invitation that provides the exact same value?

They are the first glimpse of your wedding your guests get to see

Your wedding invitations are the very first visual aspect of your wedding that your guests will see. For such a special celebration that you'll remember for the rest of your life (and your close family members probably will, too), why would you want to wait until the last minute to throw something together - knowing it's the first glimpse of one of the most special days of your life? This is a perfect opportunity to show your guests how important this exchange of vows is to you, through a carefully selected invitation. (Note: careful selection does not have to mean expensive!)

They become beautiful keepsakes

Wedding invitations are absolutely beautiful when framed - either alone or with a favorite photo from your wedding day. My mom framed our wedding invitation as a gift for us, and it now stands on the wall directly in front of our bedroom, reminding us day in and day out of the promises we made to one another. I guarantee if you have your wedding invitation framed, it will be one of the items you are most careful with as you move homes throughout the years.

They are an extension of you as a couple

Not only are your invitations filled with family history, but they are also one of the first things you design and compromise on as a couple. You may want a traditional invitation with formal, black script text while your fiancé wants a less formal invitation with block text. You compromise by doing your names in a formal script and everything else in block text. This is a beautiful visual element of you as a couple.

They delight your guests instantaneously

Let's be honest. Very few people get good snail mail anymore. Most often the mailbox is filled with junk mail and bills. Think about how excited you would be to receive a beautifully crafted envelope with a gorgeous invitation in it just for you - amongst the junk and bills. That's what your guests will receive - and they will be instantaneously excited for you and your marriage vows.

They set expectations for your guests

Since your wedding invitations are the first glimpse into your celebration your guests will receive, this also means this is where expectations are set. If you send out an invitation that you clearly did not care about, and threw together at the last minute, your guests will feel like they don't have to RSVP right away and may wonder if your celebration is even something worth attending for them. On the other hand, if you send them a carefully designed invitation that is clearly a blend of your and your fiancé's personality and family history, they will be much more excited to celebrate with you - and the expectation will be set that your wedding day is so important to you.

Ready to get started on the wedding invitations of your dream? Be sure to ask your stationer these questions when you get started!


First photo by Caroline Lima Photography


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